“This is sounding eerily similar to a Dan Brown novel,” said Arthur. “Or that scene from V for Vendetta where V tells Mr. Finch that crazy story about what really went down with the St. Mary’s virus.”
“Well, we’ve only reached the tip of this truth-iceberg,” replied Merlin. “Just keep listening. Anyway - You can see these records in the British Museum. The documentation is estimated to be 3,500 years old, and it describes in detail the sinking of Atlantis. To fill these two empty vortexes, according to Thothe, two extraterrestrial races stepped in – not one, but two completely different races. The first race were the Hebrews, coming from our future. Thothe says that they came from off-planet, but we don’t know where exactly. The Hebrews were kind of like a kid who went through 5th grade, but didn’t make it, so they had to do that grade over again. They learned all the math, the left-brained stuff, but they didn’t get the right-brained aspect of evolving consciousness – the doing. They didn’t graduate to the next level of evolution, so they had to do it again. They knew a lot of things that we didn’t know yet, and brought many concepts and ideas to us that we weren’t aware of yet.
“Now, if this is true, this would explain quite a few things about the Hebrew people in general. They seem to have many sacred geometries hidden within their culture. It also puts perspective on the story of Exodus. Perhaps Moses incarnated into that lifetime in order to free the Hebrews because they were not direct descendants of humans and were being treated unfairly. Or could it be that Moses was visited by an Ascended Master of the Hebrews who guided him to free their people. Given what we know about dimensions and consciousness, it definitely puts a fresh perspective on old stories that didn’t make much sense. We could talk about this more, but let’s continue for now. There were no problems caused by the Hebrews coming to Atlantis. They actually benefited our evolution. The other race that stepped in caused big problems. These beings came from the nearby planet of Mars.
“See, according to Thothe, Mars looked very much like Earth a little less than a million years ago. It was beautiful. It had oceans and water and trees that were just fantastic. But something happened to them, and it has to do with what is called The Lucifer Experiment. From the very beginning of Creation, everything is simply an experiment. Creation itself was just Consciousness creating and inhabiting itself in that Creation. There is no ‘Divine Plan;’ Spirit can do whatever it wants. Having said that, if Spirit decides to cut itself off from the rest of Consciousness and create a separate reality on its own, it can do that too. This is called The Lucifer Experiment.
“Because Spirit is God, it can do this. There is nothing wrong with that. We’ve kind of been led to believe that Lucifer is evil and the Devil. This just isn’t true. Lucifer is just another means of perceiving the Reality. It is not a Unity perception of Oneness, but rather a Duality perception of Twoness. There is a Flower of Life pattern for Lucifer as well, but that’s a big topic for another time. Anytime The Lucifer Experiment has been attempted in the universe, it always ends in failure. The species will cut itself off from love and will become incredibly male and left-brained. What always ends up happening is that everyone becomes very greedy.
“There is no compassion for one another, and everyone ends up fighting until they end up killing themselves. More than a million years ago, the beings on Mars joined The Lucifer Experiment. It failed dramatically. Basically, they cut themselves off from the Unity of the universe and created a separate reality. When the Martians severed the love-bond, they became pure-male, logical beings with no emotions. What happened on Mars is that they ended up fighting. Mars became a battleground. Eventually, it became clear that Mars was not going to survive. They blew their atmosphere away and destroyed the surface of the planet.”