God’s and Lucifer’s Flower of Life

God’s and Lucifer’s Flower of Life is based on the equilateral triangle and this is the first geometric system after the initial point of Creation itself, where there is no strong polarity (numeric system of 1, 3, 5; in heptagon and nonagon of the numbers 7 and 9 the opposition of each point/vertex is already marked). While the number 3 contain some yin quality, the vertexes are yang. The more proper number of God is 1, so the equilateral triangle with the number 3 is God’s geometry only conditionally. So, at the same time this flower is also slightly deviated Flower of Life and not only the God’s Flower of Life. As the number three is a yin number, it also brings hidden polarity and also the female side of God.
The triangle is only the third geometric shape after points and lines, but it is the first geometric area with the are bigger than zero. So, triangle can be seen as the sign of God (1) and as the sign of lower harmony (3), connected to the triple Goddess, but also to the Guan Yin/Avalokiteśvara, non-demonic Metatron etc…
The strong polarity is prevented with the triple nature of equilateral triangle: the opposite side has no point/vertex, so there is only softer polarity present. Because of that Divine Oneness and God are represented by equilateral triangle. The basic philosophy is based on replication and expanding in Oneness, so at the beginning we need to look at the first two triangles. Yes, the replication in Oneness brings in the hidden polarity! This is why even the equilateral triangle is not the 100% God’s geometry. The equilateral triangle is also used to form hexagon and the Satan’s Flower of Life! The tertiary aspect is a sign of warn- any sign of duality will give birth of the Satan’s Flower of Life, because equilateral triangle is the basic unit of Satan’s Flower. So, this God’s Flower of Life could be unsafe if used in wrong way. Here is triangle’s replication in Oneness:

Everything is encompassed by the outer-most triangle (1), each triangle has three vertexes (3). The two triangles have six points and there is also central point (God), together seven (7) points. Inside 1 there is also yang as the principle of 7. The symbolism of numbers 1, 3 and 7, which represents Love, are represented with three circles, too. Three (3) circles with seven (7) limited areas have their unity and each part can also be considered as one part (1). This structure becomes visible after four rotations in Oneness:

The God’s and Lucifer’s Flower of Life is represented with the sequence of four or more rotations in Oneness. It doesn’t matter if the first triangle “looks” upward, downward, left or right… Instead of the triangles we can use leaves, too. The God’s Curve (in blue) is also revealed by the rotation in Oneness:

This curve has the higher ratios than Fibonacci sequence. Fibonnacci Sequence is based on the sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, … Every new number added is represented as the sum of the two previous numbers. It is claimed by some people (I think they are gathered around the page of, but don’t know their names) that the Fibonacci sequence represents the Conservation Law of Energy: if we take 2 from the sequence as our own starting level of the energy, for example, and we added 3 from the outside world, we get number 8. And so on. As the God’s Curve get higher ratios than Fibonacci Curve, God’s Flower of Life represents Life-Giving flow which is above the Conservation Law of Energy and above karma, which is present in the Satan’s Flower of Life, the Christ’s Flower of Life and the Flower of Death.
The alpha body point for God’s and Lucifer’s Flower of Life is found in the solar plexus, between the navel and the heart chakra:

So, where Lucifer could be found in all this story? The Oneness is number 1. The Oneness is also harmonic development. It reaches 4 triangle repetitions:

The forces of duality are connected with instability. If we count the points of the first triangle and then make the sequences of the sums, number 6 is hidden in the polarity between the 3 and second 3. The nine is the number of completion. The rhombus inside is the basic unit for building the Satan’s Flower of Life.

While Satan is a general force of rebel, duality and opposition, Lucifer is his False Light. Satan is centered in the number 6, which is also the number of ego, while Lucifer as his aspect is centered in the highest levels of polarity, close to the source of Light and number 1. Lucifer as bringer of the False Light uses the power of his Anti-Creation aka Anti-Cosmos while trying to annihilate the true Light. He is great creator of the parallel world, the Lord of Anti-Cosmos. He is connected with mantras “Good and bad, good and bad, good and bad” or “Right and wrong, right and wrong, right and wrong” or any mantra with polarity structure. While the Oneness is stable, duality is not: dualistic influences on the triangle make opposite flows (shown in the blue color).

As one can see, the sequence of -1, 0 and +1 can be repeated into the infinity. While God is transcendental stillness in the infinity, Lucifer’s anti-power must be in constant movement. Lucifer is actually the supreme force of Anti-Cosmos, using the concept of perpetuum mobile and the concept of annihilation (zero) against the transcendental infinity and transcendental zero of God. Anti-Creation causes instability. The Light is neutralized by the Anti-Light (the False Light) from Anti-Cosmos. The influence of this anti-Light is to damage one’s true Light body aka the Inner child, which is always within one’s Life. Then one sink in the matrix of the Satan’s Flower of Life and the Flower of Death. It must be said again: this God’s and Lucifer’s Flower of Life could be unsafe if used in wrong way! I haven’t find the safe use of this Flower of Life for now.
The basic symbol, however has its positive symbolism. Rotation in Oneness uses triangulations with the numbers 10, 28, 91 and 325. The sums of the digits are 10 and finally 1 (1 +0= 1), and 1 is the number of Oneness
Among the archons and the world of duality Lucifer is the leader of the “Department of False Love and False Light”. Numeric symbolism 111 and 137 are connected both with Real and False Love on general and with geocentric (i.e. fake) numeric symbolism of fake Pleiades. So, beside Lucifer and his false angels, the most powerful entities from this department are fake Pleiadeans. Sumerians believed, that Pleiades were connected with seven demons, bound to these stars. The demons were called “The Seven”, Sebēttu. The Book of Enoch also explains, that over the abyss, at the end of the world, there are seven stars and the angels told to Enoch that certain fallen angels were to be bound to those stars, because of their mingling with women on earth. If you work with Pleiadeans, you should check if their teachings and symbols are actually connected to the powerful entities, leading you astray.
In Celtic tradition there are two symbols of the Trinity, which are actually more feminine representations of the God’s and Lucifer’s Flower of Life than this Flower itself. The first symbol includes spirals (there is triangle added, but the symbol is in red). It is called “Tripple Spiral”, “Trinity Spiral of Life” and “The Spiral of Goddess”… With outer spirals comes strong concentration of energy outside the center, but still mostly in Oneness, so this is yin and female energy between the Oneness and impurity, and this is the Female representation of the God’s Flower of Life in the same time. Oh, yes… God is God: God can’t be explained as man or female.

The second symbol is “Triquetra”, “Trinity Knott” or “Triple Moon” and it is a smaller deviation from general pattern: two triangles could be found in it, but those triangles just don’t touch- very strong yin nature is very prominent, so this is clearly a female symbol of Goddesses trinity, but it is also connected with the Satan’s Flower of Life. Triquetra is probably slightly negative symbol and it look s like this:

New article has been written about some differences between God and Lucifer in dealing with the Flower of Life, Triquetra”/“Trinity Knott”/“Triple Moon, “Tripple Spiral”/“Trinity Spiral of Life”, Anticosmos and spiritual exercise with trigonal spinner!
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